22 May 2017

How To Select The Ideal Edinburgh Mattress

Everybody needs a good night sleep. Disturbances in sleep could trigger many problems with wellness, stress, and could compromise work. In that case, one must possess an excellent mattress. Nevertheless, it is not easy to obtain high-quality mattress since you still need to run through countless kinds and create a list of ideal options. Looking for the correct mattress for you is essential. Here are a few pointers you can go by in picking the perfect mattress in Edinburgh.

Think about how much support you need during your slumber. You can find air mattresses, foam, spring, latex mattresses, and more. Spring mattress providers will offer various springs based on the strength, bounciness and other factors. Memory foam mattresses are becoming popular today because they always get back to their original shape and consistency. When choosing the interior components to stuff the mattress, make sure that they don't change or become uncomfortable over time.

Look into the firmness or softness of the mattress. Even if you were used to firm mattresses, there's always a reason to check out soft ones. Several individuals like resting in soft mattresses as it enables them to unwind. Firm mattresses are ideal for those who sleep in prone position since it aligns the spinal cord properly. Soft mattresses are great for those who sleep on their sides since they can quickly adapt to the form of your body. There is also a mattress that is moderate in softness and firmness, which is good for those who lie on their backs.

If you have no permanent sleeping position, you can get your mattress customised. There are air mattresses that could be controlled to reduce the air in it, depending on how firm you want it to be. A few couples cannot agree on which kind of mattress to acquire, but the air mattress contains two compartments of air so that you can both adjust each to your preference. They can both rest perfectly on their particular section of the mattress.

A few individuals are skin allergic that is why they pick their mattresses carefully. Mattresses that resist dust mites, moulds and insects are offered for those who are allergic to them. These mattresses are developed to maintain the wellness of sensitive folks.

The best advice for buying a quality bed or mattress is to not hurry. The size makes a difference most since you need to be able to rest as you sleep. Crouching misaligns your backbone, which will give you discomfort. The size of the mattress is a determiner of the price of it. Anticipate paying a lot when you choose a king-size mattress. Make sure that the dimensions of the mattress and your bed are the same to achieve the perfect comfort.

The specialists are the ideal people to discuss a custom-made mattress with. They will help you make your decision and even recommend the appropriate kind of mattresses fit for you. Always demand a warranty on your acquisition to ensure that the claims of the manufacturer are true. For a complete range of mattresses and beds visit our website

20 April 2017


Everyone wants the perfect night’s sleep. This doesn’t have to remain merely a dream if you have the right mattress on your bed.



Visit our shop and talk to our expert team. We are open Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm and Sunday 11am to 4 pm.

Article source here: SHOPPING FOR A MATTRESS

7 November 2016

Вuу A Сhеар Dоublе Веd In Edinburgh

4 Rеаsоns tо Вuу A Сhеар Dоublе Веd In Edinburgh

Our mоdеrn sосіеtу sееms tо bе mоrе аnd mоrе tіrеd. Еvеrу dау wе аll return frоm wоrk mоrе аnd mоrе ехhаustеd, аs іf еvеrуbоdу wеrе tо wоrk іn а coal mіnе. Whеn wе соmе hоmе wе јust wаnt tо lіе оn а соmfоrtаblе bеd аnd slеер. Тhіs іs whу wе wоuld рау јust аbоut аnуthіng tо hаvе а gооd bеd іn оur bеdrооm.

Yеt nоt еvеrуbоdу hаs а lot оf mоnеу tо рау fоr a good bеd, еvеn іf mоst оf us wоuld rеаllу nееd іt. Тhіs іs whу wе аrе аlwауs lооkіng fоr сhеар dоublе bеds wіth mаttrеss tо furnіsh оur bеdrооms.

Іn fасt whу shоuld wе buу сhеар dоublе bеd in Edinburgh? Неrе's а lіst оf rеаsоns tо hеlр уоu dесіdе whаt bеd іs gоіng tо bе thе bеst fоr уоu.

1. Тhеsе bеds аrе thе mоst соmmоn tуре оf bеd bоught tо bе рut іn mоst оf mаtrіmоnіаl bеdrооms. Тhе sіzе оf suсh а bеd іs stаndаrd, but thеrе аrе vеndоrs thаt sеll bеds thаt аrе dіffеrеnt іn sіzе but сlоsе tо іmреrсерtіblе. Yеt аs smаll аs а dіffеrеnсе wоuld bе іt іs еnоugh fоr thе mаttrеss nоt tо fіt іn thе bеd frаmе. А gооd sоlutіоn wоuld bе tо bу thе mаttrеss аlоng wіth thе bеd frаmе.

2. Ѕuсh bеds саn bе mаdе оf а lаrgе vаrіеtу оf fаbrісs. Wооdеn bеds mау bе thе mоst оld аnd stіll thе mоst рорulаr сhоісе fоr bеddіng sоlutіоn. Wооd іs vеrу рrасtісаl fоr mаnufасturіng bеds, еsресіаllу fоr mаtrіmоnіаl bеdrооms. Fоr а mоdеrn іdеа fоr dесоrаtіng аnу kіnd оf bеdrооm, mеtаl bеd frаmеs аnd lеаthеr bеd frаmеs аrе thе рrоріtіоus fаbrісs usеd. Воth mеtаl аnd еvеn mоrе sо, lеаthеr, аrе mоdеrn fаbrісs аnd thе bеds mаdе оf thеm hаvе сrеаtіvе, арреаlіng dеsіgns.

3. Тhеrе аrе dеsіgns suіtаblе fоr dоublе bеds thаt саn соmе wіth stоrаgе sрасе undеrnеаth. Тhоugh mаnу vеndоrs сhаrgе mоrе fоr drаwеrs thаt аrе wоndеrful sрасе sаvіng аnd vеrу gооd tо stоrе уоur bеlоngіngs. Тhе оttоmаn dоublе bеd аnd thе dіvаn dоublе bеd аrе vеrу rооmу аnd іmроsіng аs ріесеs оf furnіturе аnd аlsо hаvе thе grеаt аdvаntаgе оf thе stоrаgе рlасе undеrnеаth.

4. Соmрlеmеnts suіtаblе fоr dоublе bеds аrе аvаіlаblе оn thе mаrkеt. Неаdbоаrds mаdе оf thе sаmе fаbrіс аs thе bеd frаmе аnd mауbе іn thе sаmе dеsіgn аrе роssіblе орtіоns уоu hаvе tо соmрlеtе уоur bеd sеt. Тhе hеаdbоаrds rе mеаnt tо іnсrеаsе thе соmfоrt оf а nісе, sоft bеd. Тhеsе ріесеs оf furnіturе аrе grеаt fоr thоsе lаzу аftеrnооns оf іf уоu lіkе іn thе еvеnіng tо rеаd оr tо wаtсh ТV іn thе іntіmаtе sрасе оf уоur bеdrооm.

Corstorphine Bed Centre is Edinburgh's premier bed retailer. For over 25 years they have been supplying quality beds and mattresses to homes and businesses throughout the Lothians. For more help in choosing the right bed or mattress visit our website at www.corstorphinebedcentre.co.uk or call our office on 0131 334 5802

31 October 2016

Fed up with being tired during the day?

After a long night of being unable to sleep properly, you often wake up feeling exhausted and in a bad mood. As we get older, this tends to happen more frequently as our sleeping habits change, and our metabolism slows.


“As we age there tends to be a reduction in the number of hours we sleep at night,” explains Professor. Tom Mackay, an expert in sleep disorders, at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. He adds that they are facing “a tidal wave” of sleep disorder cases at his Edinburgh unit. As our bodies age, there are changes that regulate our circadian rhythms. It is this internal clock that helps us distinguish between night and day. As we get on in years, this clock becomes less active, and so we find it harder to get to sleep at night and stay asleep throughout the night.

Everyone has the odd night where they cannot sleep properly, but when this becomes a regular occurrence, it can be a problem that leads to other medical conditions. Apart from making us feel lethargic and grumpy, sleep deficiency can lead heart disease, weight issues and often diabetes.

As sleep deprivation is such a common issue in modern life, many of us turn to medication to help alleviate the problem. But these drugs can also lead to additional medical problems such as drowsiness, dizzy spells, migraines and loss of appetite. Research by the British Medical Journal has recently identified several sleep medications, including zolpidem (Ambien) and temazepam (Restoril), with possibly leading to early deaths in common users.

Follow the tips

It’s always best to avoid using sleeping pills on a regular basis. For help in getting a better sleep follow these tips:

1. Take Regular Excercise

Exercising every day not only helps your general fitness but can also help you get a good nights sleep. Natural sleep hormones are boosted through the exercise of any kind. Having a 30-minute walk during the day alone will improve your sleep. Dr Mackay states that a recent study into sleep patterns found that people who exercise for about three hours a week will find it easier to fall asleep at night than those who do not exercise at all. Make sure you don’t workout too close to bedtime as this can cause a stimulation for the mind. Ideally, you should exercise first thing in the morning for greatest effect.



2. Only use your bed for sleeping and sex.

Avoid using your bed for eating or using it as an office. Also, don’t watch tv in bed. Your body and mind should recognise that your bed means sleep and if you’re lucky, sometimes a little bit of hows your father:-)


3. Make sure your bedroom’s tidy

Watching TV is not the only distraction in your bedroom. The look and feel of your bedroom can have an adverse effect on your sleep. Make sure it’s a relaxing and comfy place to be. For best effect keep it dark and at the right temperature for your body. This will encourage better sleep.



4. Get into a routine

Anything that can be repeated every night and made into a routine is also beneficial in getting you to sleep. Everyone likes to have the reassurance of having no surprises. Simple things like going to bed at the same time every night or listening to some music before sleep, helps your mind begin to wind down.


5. Try not to eat

An empty stomach can sometimes keep you awake at night, but overeating can also do the same. Refrain from eating a large dinner before bedtime. Typically eat around 2-3 hours minimum before going to bed. If you must eat something, then have some fruit or a little cheese. Anything that will see you through until breakfast.


6. Don’t drink tea or coffee and alcohol

Avoid all caffeine and alcoholic beverages before bedtime. You should also avoid eating any chocolate. Caffeine is present in not only tea and coffee but also chocolate. Drinking alcohol also has a negative effect on sleep. Contrary to what people believe, but alcohol is a stimulant that will keep you awake. Also, avoid anything that is acidic like oranges or spicy foods that can cause heartburn.



7. Don’t get stressed

Try to leave your daytime worries for the morning. Worrying about things such as unpaid bills or appointments is a wasted activity at night as you can’t do anything Stress can affect the body in many ways. At night it is one of the most common reasons for not sleeping properly. Allow yourself time to relax before bedtime. Trying things like meditation or even deep breathing can help your mind and body relax and block out your day’s activities.



8. Book a check-up with your GP

Excessive snoring can sometimes be linked to sleep apnea, restless or twitchy legs could be the onset of restless leg syndrome. There are numerous medical conditions that could be affecting the quality of your sleep. If you are unsure, then book an appointment with your doctor.


9. Be careful with sleep medications

If all else fails and you are still having trouble sleeping, then think about sleeping pills. Taken responsibly, these drugs can aid a restful sleep and allow you to relax more but they can also have major side effects. Follow these guidelines to ensure your not in danger:

(i) Advise your doctor about every medication you’re taking Certain drugs should not be taken together.
(ii) Always take the minimum dose available and for the shortest time.
(iii) Follow your GP’s advice at all times. Take the correct dose just before bedtime.
(iv) Consult your GP straight away if you have any side effects.
(v) Never consume alcohol while taking these drugs.


Of Course, the most important thing that can help you get a good nights sleep is a good quality mattress. Corstorphine Bed Centre offers free help and advice on how you can select a mattress that is perfect for your individual needs. Call us on 0131334 5802 or visit our showroom in Edinburgh.

Article source here: Fed up with being tired during the day?

Fed up with being tired during the day?

After a long night of being unable to sleep properly, you often wake up feeling exhausted and in a bad mood. As we get older, this tends to happen more frequently as our sleeping habits change, and our metabolism slows.


"As we age there tends to be a reduction in the number of hours we sleep at night," explains Professor. Tom Mackay, an expert in sleep disorders, at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. He adds that they are facing "a tidal wave" of sleep disorder cases at his Edinburgh unit. As our bodies age, there are changes that regulate our circadian rhythms. It is this internal clock that helps us distinguish between night and day. As we get on in years, this clock becomes less active, and so we find it harder to get to sleep at night and stay asleep throughout the night.

Everyone has the odd night where they cannot sleep properly, but when this becomes a regular occurrence, it can be a problem that leads to other medical conditions. Apart from making us feel lethargic and grumpy, sleep deficiency can lead heart disease, weight issues and often diabetes.

As sleep deprivation is such a common issue in modern life, many of us turn to medication to help alleviate the problem. But these drugs can also lead to additional medical problems such as drowsiness, dizzy spells, migraines and loss of appetite. Research by the British Medical Journal has recently identified several sleep medications, including zolpidem (Ambien) and temazepam (Restoril), with possibly leading to early deaths in common users.

Follow the tips

It's always best to avoid using sleeping pills on a regular basis. For help in getting a better sleep follow these tips:

1. Take Regular Excercise

Exercising every day not only helps your general fitness but can also help you get a good nights sleep. Natural sleep hormones are boosted through the exercise of any kind. Having a 30-minute walk during the day alone will improve your sleep. Dr Mackay states that a recent study into sleep patterns found that people who exercise for about three hours a week will find it easier to fall asleep at night than those who do not exercise at all. Make sure you don't workout too close to bedtime as this can cause a stimulation for the mind. Ideally, you should exercise first thing in the morning for greatest effect.



2. Only use your bed for sleeping and sex.

Avoid using your bed for eating or using it as an office. Also, don't watch tv in bed. Your body and mind should recognise that your bed means sleep and if you're lucky, sometimes a little bit of hows your father:-)


3. Make sure your bedroom's tidy

Watching TV is not the only distraction in your bedroom. The look and feel of your bedroom can have an adverse effect on your sleep. Make sure it's a relaxing and comfy place to be. For best effect keep it dark and at the right temperature for your body. This will encourage better sleep.



4. Get into a routine

Anything that can be repeated every night and made into a routine is also beneficial in getting you to sleep. Everyone likes to have the reassurance of having no surprises. Simple things like going to bed at the same time every night or listening to some music before sleep, helps your mind begin to wind down.


5. Try not to eat

An empty stomach can sometimes keep you awake at night, but overeating can also do the same. Refrain from eating a large dinner before bedtime. Typically eat around 2-3 hours minimum before going to bed. If you must eat something, then have some fruit or a little cheese. Anything that will see you through until breakfast.


6. Don't drink tea or coffee and alcohol

Avoid all caffeine and alcoholic beverages before bedtime. You should also avoid eating any chocolate. Caffeine is present in not only tea and coffee but also chocolate. Drinking alcohol also has a negative effect on sleep. Contrary to what people believe, but alcohol is a stimulant that will keep you awake. Also, avoid anything that is acidic like oranges or spicy foods that can cause heartburn.



7. Don't get stressed

Try to leave your daytime worries for the morning. Worrying about things such as unpaid bills or appointments is a wasted activity at night as you can't do anything Stress can affect the body in many ways. At night it is one of the most common reasons for not sleeping properly. Allow yourself time to relax before bedtime. Trying things like meditation or even deep breathing can help your mind and body relax and block out your day's activities.



8. Book a check-up with your GP

Excessive snoring can sometimes be linked to sleep apnea, restless or twitchy legs could be the onset of restless leg syndrome. There are numerous medical conditions that could be affecting the quality of your sleep. If you are unsure, then book an appointment with your doctor.


9. Be careful with sleep medications

If all else fails and you are still having trouble sleeping, then think about sleeping pills. Taken responsibly, these drugs can aid a restful sleep and allow you to relax more but they can also have major side effects. Follow these guidelines to ensure your not in danger:
(i) Advise your doctor about every medication you're taking Certain drugs should not be taken together.
(ii) Always take the minimum dose available and for the shortest time.
(iii) Follow your GP's advice at all times. Take the correct dose just before bedtime.
(iv) Consult your GP straight away if you have any side effects.
(v) Never consume alcohol while taking these drugs.


Of Course, the most important thing that can help you get a good nights sleep is a good quality mattress. Corstorphine Bed Centre offers free help and advice on how you can select a mattress that is perfect for your individual needs. Call us on 0131334 5802 or visit our showroom in Edinburgh.

Article source here: Fed up with being tired during the day?

8 October 2016

The Whois Of The Mattress World

Numerous mattress brand names belong to the same holding or investment organisation and attempting to find out who operates everything has grown to be an enjoyable investigation for Corstorphine Bed Centre.

Mattress Companies

Firstly, as mattress development techniques improve, it has become noticeable that the internal components of various mattresses are similar but offered under different brand brands and, of course, prices. Knowing this provides you with the opportunity to be able to identify similar specs and selecting the manufacturer that offers the best value for money mattress.

We are all acquainted with the scenario of trainers where the nagging power of young people finds us paying more than four or five times the real value just for a designer brand. Buying a mattress solely based on a brand label is just as ludicrous.

The components used in all mattresses primarily are supplied from some specialised suppliers all manufacturers use these self-same manufacturers whether you have come across them or not.


Some Names

Looking at the makeup of the business listed below, it does display some rather obvious questions. Namely, if Steinhoff possesses the Staples Brand, the Myers Brand, the Dunlopillo Brand, etc. Exactly why are they not featured inside the stores they manage?

Consider Bensons for example Oct 2016 a browse for Myers no products found. A search for Staples no products found. A look for Dunlopillo only two models. Apart from a couple of brands from the Silentnight Group, Sealy and Silentnight, the Bensons site seems to be focused on the Sleepmaster brand and the Sensaform brand.

steinhoff group

Brand names that are only found in Benson’s stores. Interesting!

The Silentnight Group is additionally an interesting company to study. Clearly, they do not have their own stores and partner up with numerous high street notables such as Argos, Tesco, Sainsbury, Carpetright and countless independents. Additionally, as detailed on this site, there are so many combinations of spring and upholstery products you can put together to significantly differentiate one mattress from another.

So why can there be so many Silentnight models available with differing model titles that can be realistically judged to be entirely and notably different?



The size of the mattress industry is extremely large. In the UK, there are well over a hundred bed and mattress producers some big and some smaller, many of whom are based in the Yorkshire area, recognised to be the mattress capital of the country. With this in mind, it gets to be a challenging task attempting to differentiate the manufacturers who are worthy investigating and those who just churn out cheap mattresses for the low-end market.

When you make a decision to ‘buy a new mattress’ we are conscious that as the investment is a once in a few years decision you will have no idea of wherever or how to begin your search. The manufacturers detailed next are considered to be the main suppliers within the trade and should be made use of as a starting place in your research. As we said at the start, knowing which brand names belong to whom will help in this search as numerous companies may not want you to know this.

Corstorphine bed Centre Aztec Bed


Which bed company owns which mattress brands?

Hilding Anders Group Sweden
Backed by British private equity group Candover
Jensens Beds – Hilding Anders
Ikea Own Label – TBC
Horatio Myers

Silentnight Group
Now in the hands of new US owner, private equity firm HIG
Silentnight – Silentnight Group
Layezee – Silentnight Group
Sealy UK – Silentnight Group – Licensed
Pocket Spring Bed Company – Silentnight Group
Rest Assured – Silentnight Group
Stearns and Foster – Silentnight Group

Harrison Spinks Ltd Spinko Ltd
Somnus – Harrison Spinks Beds
Harrison – Harrison Spinks Beds
Spink and Edgar – Harrison Spinks Beds
John Lewis Own label – Harrison Spinks Beds -[ Plus others ]

Sun European [Private Equity Group]
ScS [95 Stores] – Online: Sleep Centre Branding
Dreams – As of May 2013

Highgate Beds Ltd UK
Healthopaedic – Highgate Beds
Sleepwise – Highgate Beds
Sleeping Comfort – Highgate Beds
Sleepmode – Highgate Beds

Simmons Group- Parent Company – Cauval Industries [fr]
Simmons – Simmons Group
Sleepeeze – Simmons Group
Cumfilux – Simmons Group
Nestledown – Simmons Group

Steinhoff UK International Holdings Ltd
Homestyle Operations Ltd
JW Carpenter Ltd
Relyon [Brand] Steinhoff
Dunlopillo [Brand] – Bought from Hilding Anders April 2013
Slumberland [Brand] – Bought from Hilding Anders April 2013
Horatio Myers [Brand] – Bought from Hilding Anders April 2013
Staples [Brand] – Bought from Hilding Anders April 2013
Sprung Slumber [Brand] TBC- Steinhoff

Bensons for Beds Homestyle Operations
Sleepmasters Steinhoff – Rebranded as Bensons For Beds [Jan 2012
The Bed Shed Steinhoff – Rebranded as Bensons For Beds – Jan 2012
Harveys Homestyle Operations / Steinhoff International [tbc]
Cargo Homestyle Operations / JW Carpenter
Homestyle Homestyle Operations / JW Carpenter
Reid Furniture Steinhoff

Keen and Toms Holdings Ltd
Hypnos Royal warrant holder

Millbrook Beds Ltd
The Handmade Bed Company For Furniture Village / Selfridges etc

Flex Equipos De Descanso, S.A.
Vi-Spring Ltd our Artisan Bespoke is a great ViSpring Alternative
And So To Bed
ES Kluft and Co – 51 share as of June 2013

Airsprung Furniture Group Plc
Gainsborough Beds
Hush Sleep Collection
Gainsborough Sofa Beds
Swanglen Furnishings Bought out of admin June 13
Cavendish Upholstery
Airofreem Foam Supplier
King Koil
Kaymed SleepSpa
Kaymed Wellbeing
Kaymed Foam

Breasley Consumer Products Ltd UK
Manufacturers for many own label retailers
Naked Beds

Healthbeds –Family owned Smeaton family

Burgess Beds – Bespoke manufacturer

Savoir Beds – Exclusive Bespoke manufacturer

GNG Group



Dream Machine

Please Note: This is not a full and detailed list, and all subsidiaries may not be provided. Any mistakes or omission will be rectified as soon as possible upon obtaining instruction. Please address all correspondence to corstorphinebedcentre@hotmail.com

Article source here: The Whois Of The Mattress World

24 September 2016

Mattress Maintenance

Here are some routine maintenance tips that should ensure your mattress lasts for several years and provides you with hours of restful sleep.


Maintain Your Mattress

We are frequently asked by customers whether they should do anything to care for their mattress. The most common know way to maintain your mattress is by flipping and turning it regularly. This is for traditional sprung mattresses, whereas with memory foam and hybrid foam mattresses; this is not required due to the way they're constructed.


Should I Care For My Mattress?

Given the fact that we use our mattress every night for several hours and that we already know how important a good night sleep is to our life it makes good sense that we should look after it. 


A lack of care can cause the mattress to age and develop faults prematurely. If we don't clean our mattress, it could produce inconsistencies on the surface that causes the mattress to lag or lower in random areas.


What about Latex Mattresses?

If you've bought a solid core latex mattress that is two sided, we always recommend our customers to flip and rotate it once per month during the first 12 months and then every two months after that. By doing this, we keep the mattress more evenly balanced.


Don't Turn Memory Foam Mattresses

The good thing about memory foam mattresses is that you don't need to turn or flip them over like more traditional mattresses. We do advise our customers to rotate or spin their memory foam mattress at least every two months. This ensures that the mattress wear is distributed evenly.


King Size Mattress

Larger mattresses such as king size often develop what is known as the 'Virgin Mattress Syndrome.' This occurs when the centre of the mattress develops a sag or ridge in the middle and is more often caused by people sleeping on the side of the bed and leaving the heart of the mattress underused. This causes the sides of the mattress to get more wear at the sides. To eliminate this, regular rotation and turning are advised. This is not a failure in the mattress construction but more of an aesthetic issue.


Liquids And Your Mattress

If a mattress is in contact with any moisture, it is advisable to dry it immediately with towel or cloth and then leave to dry naturally at room temperature. Do not use any heat source as this can damage the mattress materials. 

 cleaning-mattress   mattress-protector

Never use any cleaning agent or detergent on your mattress. These can inhibit the mattress foam and cause lasting damage.


Protecting Your Mattress

We advise all our customers to purchase a mattress protector. This is simply a fitted sheet with padding that helps protect your mattress from natural factors such as sweat and dead skin and help protect from accidents. Many mattress protectors can be washed easily and can be disposed of without issue.



Splits or Tears In Mattresses

Never use knives or scissors when in proximity to your mattress. Not only will this severely damage your mattress and reduce its lifespan but your guarantee will be immediately void.


In Summary

Turn and rotate your mattress regularly and dry immediately when any moisture is in contact with your mattress.

And have sweet dreams!

Article source here: Mattress Maintenance